Friday, December 30, 2005


Lately with so many ugly and hideous incidents coming to light about our teens, and in some cases, our pre-teen school children being sexually, physically and mentally abused by teacher’s. I feel it is time for “mandatory” drug testing for our teachers.

There has been an arsenal of terrible reasons to formulate and enact drug testing to protect our young innocent children. And that is a sad commentary to face up to!

We need to be definitive in our attitudes and declarative about the educator who would do these injustices. We are when are children are drug tested. And the teacher is no higher authority to think that they are above the law.

There should be a concentrated effort to rid the “vermin” from the truly honest and hard working teacher.

Stopping the recent resurgence of child abuse is a cause that even the ‘staunch’ type teacher would agree needs to be rid from our society. This message must be loud and clear and direct to the point. Dangerous consequences await if we do not act soon!

A safe haven is how we should feel when our children walk out that door every morning to go to school. And they should feel the same on their return trip home at night.

Any teacher caught supplying drugs or alcohol to any student should face a much stiffer penalty than the drug dealer nabbed with in the same boundaries that are written and present laws.


At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teachers should be required to do drugs. It would help them deal with bratty kids.


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