Friday, December 30, 2005


I see no useful purpose for these two agencies in the West Virginia government system. They are nothing but a drain on our state budget and our state tax payer’s. The lawsuits that these “running amok” agencies have amassed over the years would fill ten yearly state budget’s.
When have you ever seen a state police officer or an Department of Natural Resource officer do any good for anyone? But how many times have you read headlines in your local newspaper where these two agencies have brought lawsuits upon themselves through utter stupidity? These lawsuit’s have cost this state hundred’s of millions of dollars in settlements. This alone should be enough reason to call for the elimination of these two sectors.

These are position’s that can be easily handled by your local county government. Which in turn keeps more economic dollars in your county. It also brings a familiarity of people and their trait’s to a more down to earth level. With a home town awareness to local situations.
With more of your local law enforcement in place, with men and women that know the surroundings and situations, then this will bolster your community back together. And everyone knows that a strong community is a great place to raise a child and keep families together.


At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Isn't that the truth! No one in Clarksburg can stand this guy. He is a joke.


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