Thursday, June 22, 2006

Judging a Book by it's "Cover"

OK, everybody says,"What I want is less taxes, better service and the government not to be involved in my personal life." Well that's all just fine and dandy, but the only way that this can occur is if the government is not dependent on your tax dollars.

We also need to create a big budget reserve and eliminate the states debt. Personally, I feel this must be done through financial discipline and fiscal responsibility. Set up, so that later on, no one would be able to start expensive programs that will need money long after the original cash is gone.

Which brings me to the point of this message.

Why on earth do we have 55 state school systems? With 55 school superintendents, 55 school boards, 55 special secretaries, 55 assistant secretaries and 55--so on and so forth?

It is now time to "regionalize" our state school board system!

I feel that if you break it down to perhaps 13-15 regions or districts, then a whole lot of cash is going to be saved. Money, we the taxpayers flit the bill for right now. So in the overall picture of the Billions, yes that has a "B" in it, that is wasted and not put to proper use for our children's education, then to regionalize the state school board system is long overdue and definitely needed.

I believe that a good education is very necessary in today's world. But anyone who can educate a wide audience in economics, as I am trying to do here, also serves a valuable function. I hope you will feel that anyone who can broadly influence a needed social policy as this one, is at least as important as someone who tries to legislate your tax dollars.


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